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Welcome to the
Save Smith Baker Project

Lowell’s past has a great future!

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Please sign the petition

There is a petition on anyone can sign to help save the Smith Baker Center.

Scan the QR code or click here to sign

There is currently a small preview exhibit for the Southeast Asian Refugee Museum in the lobby of  Middlesex Community College’s Richard and Nancy Donahue Family Academic Arts Center - 240 Central Street in Lowell, MA. Please drop by and have a look. There is much more to come!

Do you want to pledge now and donate later when Save Smith Baker controls the building?


If so, please send the amount of your pledge in an email to


Please include whether this will be a one-time or recurring pledge (e.g., monthly).


We will let you know when the building renovations start and you can make your donation then.


Pledges of any amount we help save this historic and beautiful building and make it into a multi-use resource that will benefit the city for years to come.

Preserving history and empowering communities is the cornerstone of our mission. Together, we can create a new life into the legacy of Smith Baker Center and create a brighter future for Lowell.

The Save Smith Baker Project

Join the Cause!

Support Smith Baker

Smith Baker Interior 2nd Fl By James Higgons-3.jpg

Save Smith Baker

Getting involved can help create a positive change and make a lasting impact. Whether it's volunteering your time, donating to a cause, or spreading awareness, every action counts.


Registered Charity:  501 (C)(3) Non-Profit

All Donations are tax deductible.

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